Welcome... mortal!

November, 8th of 2023

Is officialy, this project is dead, and was a bunch of things like I lost interest continue, I have no idea where to take it, lost interest in mapping...
Sorry for people who was read this and believed in it. But I have another things in my life :) Goodbye.

September, 10th of 2023

Sorry if I didn't updated this in a little time, but I was busy making second and third map, yet third one needs hard pullishing about placing items.
I'm thinking to replace HUD and make it more cool kick ass. That's all for now.

August, 27th of 2023

I spent days working on Pig of hell and yesterday and today making weapon fist and new ammo for Elvend Wand (which it will be replaced to), today too I pullished
first map (adding stuff and testing it a little) with new hands looks fucking promising! Now I'll gonna concentrate on weapons and sounds, then test totally first map
and make sketch of second stage.

August, 23rd of 2023

After million years, I made The Walking Undead Warrior, it had a TON OF FCKING frames GOD! I spent a little part of my life making it, the wad im that making
must be damn fucking good. By the way, I edited little first map for it doesn't be cheapy. And that's all.

August, 18th of 2023

I edited another sprite for WAD, it took me almost entire day, but it was worth it, the Ancient Disciple monster is DONE! I made few textures and a sprite for project.
first map is basically done, just I need edit few more enemy sprites and put stuff on it, next stop, make e1m2. And that's all for now! yeaah.

August, 16th of 2023

Today I completed my sketch of first map in my notebook and began build a big part of it, tomorrow I will gonna finish layout of map and start drawing second map.
I made few textures missign to WAD... maybe tomorrow I'll gona create few more and start making another monsters for WAD... I'll see tomorrow because I'll be busy as fuck
by familiar life. That's all! I have more ideas hehe.

August, 13rd of 2023

I spent HOURS AND HOURS of my life editing the sprite of gargoyle from Heretic, but finally it was worth it... but is fucking
annoying edit enemies sprites, because they have A TON of frames! I can't imagine that because I must make same to another three sprites to
include them on WAD. At the moment Im happy with dark gargoyle. That's all folks!