Welcome... mortal!

Dark Gargoyle

This is a black gargoyle which it lives in wet and dark places, like caves, abandoned dark places... in all places where there are fresh flesh, death or pagan rituals where make sacrificies.
You must have caution with this creature, because he camuflages on black walls very nice, so be careful!

The Undead Walking Warrior

It was a warrior who was defending the castle died doing that, and it was resucitated with a lost soul, now it's hungry of flesh and will no stop until your body be cold and dead.
It can be found almost on castle areas inside.

Snake of Doom

The Nightmare Helmet

A big creature that came from your nightmares in your head, that means your worst imaginations while you dream became real.
Uses their dark magic to make spells to kill you and have a scary aspect to make you run away when you see it, if you find with it that means you are in a trouble!

Ancient Disciple

Is a disciple of D'sparil but more older than same bible, unique difference with D'sparil disciple is this one takes corpses around world to make them as food and feed the possessed priest.
It is not human but not animal too, it was created by dark magic.

Pig of hell

A humanoid creature which his behaviour and way to be is alike a pig because of his smell of rotten can make you puke. It eats everything...
guts, flesh, bones of corpses or alive people, is kinda fast and once it sees you, will not stop following ya until you be eaten!

Possessed Priest